Gilli: Humana (Shadow) → Level: 17 (ID: 5696)
Account closed: User checked the account to remove or was banned by admin
Assistant of: Gilligan



Experience: ?? → Only for VIP users   
Physical power: ?? → Only for VIP users   
Physical skill: ?? → Only for VIP users   
Stamina: ?? → Only for VIP users   
Magic power: ?? → Only for VIP users   
Magic skill: ?? → Only for VIP users   
Magic resistance: ?? → Only for VIP users   
→ Bow with elfish runes
Physical power:+25   
Physical skill:+15   
Magic power:+25   
Magic skill:+25   
Magic resistance:+11   
→ Shield of the infinite night
Physical skill:+29   
Magic skill:+23   
Magic resistance:+32   


Account closed: User checked the account to remove or was banned by admin

Optimization and Development by Lutaria Legends 'LUT' - VERSION: 2.00 (0.00) - Legal notice and data protection - Original idea by V. Buendia ('Legends')